Gun Control Cartoon

Gun Control Cartoon

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Trevor's Take Action

Trevor's Ideas on Taking Action

November 5,2013 When I first thought about how I would take action on this topic, I was overwhelmed. Here I was a student in college and had to educate many people on why gun control should be enforced. I started to research ways that I could take action and here's what I came up with. The first move I could make is right a letter that is persuading the local or federal government. In the letter I could tell them why I think that the gun control laws need to be more strict. After writing the letter I could send it to the Senator or another important official to speak my mind on the subject. This is something that might not help educate people about the issue but the letter could present the officials with some evidence to why they want to go one way on the issue. Another way that I could take action is through a petition. Now we hear about petitions all the time for things but many petitions do not exactly work out. I think that a petition would work in this case to send in with a letter t the senator and raise awareness to the people signing it on how the gun control laws should be. Another way that I could take action is going to local officials and planning an event that is scheduled. on this day, people could take action and raise awareness through guest speakers and handouts. It would be called National Gun Control Day. The last idea that I came up with in order to take action on gun control during my research was joining the Brady campaign to prevent gun violence. This group was founded by people who were directly effected by gun violence. On their website you can sign a petition and get information about gun violence and how to minimize it. These are just a couple of ideas on how to take action when it comes to Gun Control.
For my take action that I actually did I signed the petition on the Brady Campaign website which is It felt good to finally take a stand on what I believed in and make a difference in society. I have always been for strict gun control because I believe that violence with guns is happening more and more and I want it to be limited. It made me feel proud to sign the petition because I was part of a group that believed in strict gun control laws.
  Social Justice is a controversial topic to be taught in school. I believe that social justice can be taught in school if the proper best practices are used. I think that there are some touchy issues that should not be covered but as you move up in grade the students should be presented with more pressing issues. I also believe that in order to teach social justice students need to be mature to learn it and I think that fifth grade may be a good introductory start. This quote:…“Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies”. I think that this is true to a point. Students need to learn social justice to be a well informed citizen and this should be taught in Social Studies. Like I was saying before, the age of the children need to be mature to start teaching about certain topics but if we want a society that is educated on the topics we need to inform children earlier in their life. I think that there are so many people that grow up and are not educated on what's happening in the world. This is not good because people who are not educated on social justice are not informed citizens. As much as social justice is controversial, it is important that teachers instruct their students about the issues so they are better informed.

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