Gun Control Cartoon

Gun Control Cartoon

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Introduction to Gun Control

Hello. This blog will to your go to spot for discussion about gun control in the United States. As future educators, we want to learn more about this topic and make it accessible to people who want to be better informed. We are all students at Salem State University majoring in elementary education. For our class, we were asked to create a blog on a current event that we wanted to learn more about. We all chose gun control and the second ammendment. People debate whether guns should be legal to carry. The second ammendment says "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." We are going to list some of the pro and cons of each side to educate the readers abotu the topic.
THERE IS ALWAYS TWO SIDES TO A STORY: Should civilian possession of handguns and other non-hunting guns be banned or severely restricted?
1. For the banning of guns
2. Against the banning of guns

What are some reasons why people argue for banning or monitoring of guns in the united states?
1. The second ammendment states that a person has the right to bear arms and this is from the constitution and the foounding fathers.
2. Banning guns could mean a loss of protection from important forces such as the police.
3. Guns are used as a mechanism for self defense sometimes
4. Criminals will always find a way to find guns so why not monitor who is getting guns better.

What are some reasons why people are against the banning of guns in the United States?
1. Most violent crimes and mass murders are committed by guns (Columbine and Newtown)
 2. Suicides and crimes that result in emotion are rising due to the easy access of guns.
3. The second ammendment was targeted towards the army and not civilians.
4. Increases the possibility of guns falling into the hands of children.

Link to some useful inforamtion about the banning of guns and both arguments:

GOVERNMENT BRANCH INVOLVED IN THE POLICIES ARE THE NATIONAL AND STATE. National branch deals with the logistics and the state has to deal with who gets a license to carry on.

Our views on Gun Control

Trevor's View on Gun Control
 I am Trevor and i currently believe that the government should make it harder for people to obtain a gun. I know that the second ammendment says that people have the right to bear arms but i think that times have changed since that time period. We are living in a stressful environment where people are busy at all times and struggle with coping with stress. I think that if the government and states make it harder to obtain guns the crime related to guns will decrease. Recently the amount of violence involving guns have increased and i think that limiting people from getting a gun would eliminate this. Some examples of these violent scenes that involved guns were Columbine in 1999, Virginia Tech Shooting in 2007, Newtown Elementary school shooting in 2012 and the Navy Yard happening in this year. These events were the major events involving guns and killing many people. I was personally effected in the Newtown Shooting because of my participation in karate. We have partner studios out in Conneticut and they were close to the place where it happened. Someone might argue that people need guns for sporting and hunting but i think that there should be a separate law for these people. I agree with putting strict background checks on people trying to obtain guns because it will ensure that the wrong people are not getting guns legally. I know guns will never be eliminated from the United States but i think that if government can make stricter laws regarding this, it might prevent a tragedy like any of the ones that i mentioned to happen.

Lauren's View on Gun Control
I believe that people should have to go through a more difficult system in order to obtain a gun.  I do believe people have the right to bear arms, I just believe there is a different way to make sure people are purchasing guns for safe reasons.  Having a gun to use as protection or any precautionary reason, is ok.  Unfortunately, the guns are seeming to fall into the hands of the wrong people.  Violence is at an all time high and after a tragedy, it is all too often that the news breaks about the suspect purchasing a gun days before at a local Wal-Mart.  It is too easy to get a hold of a gun. Stricter laws will allow people to still have their right to bear arms for hunting, safety, etc., but it may stop criminals and mass shootings.  Having a stricter law against guns is only going to help people.  The people who do not believe there should be stricter gun laws, are not thinking about the big picture.  The rights can still remain, just done in a more thorough way.

Jessica's View on Gun Control
I feel gun control is important because of the increasing numbers of people that are being killed due to gun violence. In some cases guns are needed, such as police, military, but mentally unstable people are gaining access to powerful guns along with large numbers of ammunition. Although there is no way to stop someone from getting clearance, purchasing a gun, then something happens in their life that makes them mentally unstable then guns down innocent people. I understand the reason that some politicians are not willing to pass gun controls laws because of the second amendment. These gun control laws are not trying to take away these rights but rather limit assault rifles being purchased as well as large numbers of ammunition. Too many innocent people are being killed. As a future educator something needs to be done because innocent students sitting in their classrooms should not be gunned down as well as other people who go about their daily lives.

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